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Some mishaps in life you bring upon yourself. Others are beyond your control. We are all victims of circumstance at one time or another. But when misfortune strikes, what happens to you is not as important as how you react towards it.
You can turn a tragedy into an experience that strengthens and teaches you. Or you can bemoan your fate and indulge in self-pity. Either way, what is done cannot be undone.
Pointing the finger of blame serves no purpose. It won't rectify the problem or salvage what is lost. What you have to do is to consider the most sensible course of action to take next. If absolutely nothing can be done, you have to learn the wisdom of acceptance.
Acceptance is not weakness. It's coming to terms with what is inevitable in life. It's admitting that what cannot be cured must be endured. And you have greater powers of endurance within you than you imagine.
Life is like the weather. When the day is fine, your spirits are lifted. But when it pours, you have no reason to give way to despair. Inclement weather may not be welcome -- but railing against it will serve no purpose. Recognise it as one more shift in the pattern of your life. That's all it really is.
Don't complain when it rains in your life. The water will continue to fall however much you gripe. Open an umbrella.