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Monday, November 28, 2011


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Lady Luck and Dame Fortune are very unreliable females. Their claim to fame lies in being totally unpredictable. If you have a habit of constantly depending on them, you had better change that habit.

Why are some lucky, and some not? If we knew the answer to that, all of us would be rolling in clover. It's the kind of question frequently asked by those who deem themselves "unlucky". Those who constantly hope Lady Luck and Dame Fortune will smile on them and change their circumstances for the better.

If you're one of them, here's a piece of news for you. Lady Luck and her sister are very perverse females. They show the least interest in those who pursue them the hardest. Which is to say, the more you depend on luck, the less likely luck will knock on your door.

It's also said that when Dame Fortune drops in on a fool, she seldom stays for dinner. That's a facetious way of saying that if you don't know how to properly utilise good fortune when it comes your way, your luck will soon run out and you'll be left as you were.

Always banging on luck in being impractical. It's good to be optimistic and hope for the best, but you should always conduct your affairs in such a manner that you're prepared for anything that comes your way.

If things aren't going well for you, chances are you are at fault and luck has nothing to do with it. Of course there's no denying that many successful people are what they are because they happen to be in the right place at the right time. But is not possible that maybe, just maybe, they decide where they want to to be and fix the most opportune time to be there?

Look at luck with different eyes. Tell yourself you're lucky, however little you may think you have. There's always someone somewhere who has less. Again we fall back on the method of feeling grateful to stifle the complaints against luck, fate and chance.

In any event, you're lucky to be still alive. Every breath you take gives you an opportunity to re-shuflle your thinking process and take another step towards where you want to go. If you have that much mettle and that much backbone, you're creating a condition that just might induce Lady Luck and Dame Fortune to pay you a visit. Good luck to you.