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You may find this a little caustic at first blush, but what the world needs is a little less talk.
Most of us talk too much. More than we need to. Of course we need to communicate. And pleasant conversation is something we shouldn't do without. But do you notice that we often say things which are totally redundant? That we talk just for the sake of talking and not because we really have something to say?
There's a definite disadvantage in this, though we hardly ever bother to think about it. When we let words flow thoughtlessly from our mouths, we sometimes say things which should be better left unsaid. This irrepressible urge to talk frequently gives rise to misunderstanding which in turn leads to strife.
Sometimes we talk aimlessly because we feel our silence may be misconstrued. We imagine others will think we are unsociable or moody and uncommunicative. Or worse, that our heads are so empty of thought we have nothing to say.
This is a misconception. Most people like the company of those who speak little. Do you notice how much less likely you are to be irritated if the person you're with doesn't chatter incessantly?
If you find you need to keep up a continuous conversation with a person when you're in his company, rest assured of one thing. The two of you don't have a comfortable relationship. That's why you feel the need to communicate with words. When there is too long a spell of silence, a sense of awkwardness creeps in.
We forget there is such a thing as companionable silence. We CAN be perfectly at ease with someone without having to resort to the medium of talk. We should cultivate the admirable habit of speaking a little less. The difference in our daily existence will bring home the truth that silence IS truly golden.