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Do you ever notice that when we point with the forefinger, the other three point right back at us? It tells us something. It reminds us we shouldn't be too eager to point the accusatory finger at another.
We all tend to pass judgement on someone else at one time or another. We draw a conclusion and arrive at a vedict. We base our estimation of the other party on the conclusion we have arrived at. Sometimes (and this really awful) we don't even verify the facts but merely form an opinion through hearsay.
Perhaps what we should do the next time we tend to play judge is ask ourselves whether it's any of our business what kind of person the other party is. Are we accountable for him in any way? If not, why are we so busy trying to evaluate his character, morals and ethics? It's nothing but a waste of our mental effort, which may be put to better use -- like making an honest asessment of OURSELVES and putting to rights anything which does not conform to our own high standards.
We should remind ourselves that we too may be judged. Those with religious convictions should remember there's a Higher Judge whose decision is never biased. In any event, let's all just bear in mind that when it comes to delivering judgment, there's always a court of law to perform that function. We really shouldn't bother!
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