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Monday, November 7, 2011


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If you constantly feel lonely, you have to take stock of what's going on in your head. Loneliness, like any other emotion, is a frame of mind, nothing more. You cannot feel lonely unless you convince yourself you are so.

Being alone and feeling lonely are two different experiences. You can be all by yourself and not feel lonely. On the other hand, you can be in the company of people you know and still suffer the pangs of loneliness. It all depends on the messages you are feeding yourself.

More often than not, loneliness springs from boredom and idleness. There's no cure more effective than activity. Find something to occupy BOTH your hands and your mind.

Negative thinking, which in turn leads to self-pity, is another source from which loneliness springs. This frame of mind is insidious and you have to guard against it. If left to fester too long, it can turn into manic depression, which robs you of logical thought and self-control.

To offset your dejection, try counting your blessings. Don't say you've nothing to be grateful for. Consider yourself fortunate to be able to read. Millions can't. Some can't even see!

Do this simple exercise and see the amazing results it brings. Write down all the things you have. Start with being alive. Next, note down the exact time you had your last full meal. It wasn't several days ago, was it? Keep on extending your list. After writing down each item, ask yourself whether EVERYONE in the world possesses that same thing. I think you get the idea.

The loneliness you feel is like water you draw from a well. The water is brackish and unfit for drinking. Unfortunately, it's from the well you yourself have dug. Fill up that well before thirst prompts you to drop your bucket into it again. Go and look for that spring of fresh, clear water that will truly quench your thirst.

Loneliness and desponency are not formidable demons. You gave them form and substance. You can snuff out their existence anytime you want to. Do it and lead the fuller and happier life you're meant to.