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The world is a classroom and life an education. You paid your entrance fee the moment you emerged from the womb and you're here whether you like it or not. You're going to pass out from this classroom like each and every other student, no matter how you perform in your studies.
Whether you get good grades or not is a matter that's entirely in your hands. You decide. If you graduate from this class, you walk out with your head held high, knowing you've made yourself a role-model for future students to emulate.
If you flop, you still leave -- but with a bitter taste in your mouth. You'll know you've not only failed your exams, you've also failed yourself. And you'll wonder what was the point in attending the class in the first place when you have nothing to show for it.
While you're here in this classroom, you have the best of all teachers to instruct you in the art of living. His name is Experience. In the teaching profession, he's the best around. If you can't learn from him, you're totally incapable of learning. It's pointless trying to look for another instructor.
Your teacher is often harsh. His mode of punishment frequently involves a lot of pain. That's understandable because the course you've enrolled for is no piece of cake. Your teacher really has no choice but to teach you the hard way.
While you're here in this class, the best thing you can do for yourself is to learn everything your mentor has to teach you. That way you'll not only derive the highest benefits from the course you're taking. You'll also save yourself a lot of unnecessary grief as long as you remain in this classroom.
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