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Saturday, October 29, 2011


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You have access to a map which leads you to untold wealth, riches beyond your wildest dreams. You've always had the map to this bounty in your possession, though you may not be aware of it.

The map is so simple that I'll simply describe it for you. It's drawn on a square sheet of paper which contains nothing but a circle with a dot right in the very centre. That's all there is, nothing else.

You're rather puzzled, aren't you? You're wondering whether this is a riddle or a joke. It's neither. It's the map that shows you where the treasure is.

Think of all the things you want most from life. Wealth, success, fame, position -- you probably want the same things a good many other people want too. You may have all these things but if two others are missing from your life, you will never know happiness. These two essential ingredients are peace and contentment.

When you are unable to be at peace with yourself and with the world, your life is a whirlpool, a constant turmoil. You'll always experience strife within and without.

If you don't know content, you'll spend your life searching and never finding. Whatever you acquire, you'll always want more. You'll never reach your destination because it keeps moving away from you.

Peace and contentment constitute the treasure that everyone seeks, whether they know it or not.

Look at your treasure map again. That dot in the centre is the treasure you seek. That circle is you. Just as the dot is inside the circle, the treasure you seek is within you.

What do you see outside the circle? Nothing but blank, negative space. No dots. No treasure. Peace and contentment are not found in externals. They're not linked to the money you have, the position you hold, the popularity you enjoy.

The map shows you the route to that priceless treasure you truly want. It's there for the taking. It's there, locked in your mind, that attic where every thought is stored. All you have to do is look within yourself to find it.

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