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Thursday, October 27, 2011


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Take a good look at yourself. Consider the kind of person you are. Take stock of what you have. Ask yourself how happy and fulfilled your life is. What do they all add up to? The sum total of every single thought you have planted in your mind in the past.

If you are happy with what you have, the credit goes to you. If you're dissatisfied, the blame likewise falls on you. Don't try to push the responsibility to another party. Neither God, karma or chance made you what you are. You wrote every word in your manuscript of life and now you are the completed book you hold in your hands.

If you're not happy with the script, you can always edit and amend to your heart's content. There's no publisher to deprive you of that prerogative. How can you affect a change? By shifting your thought patterns. By giving yourself different convictions. Plant different seeds of thought in your head and you will harvest a different crop in your life.

If you're unsure of how you may effect the change you want, try consulting that greatest guru of all. We all know him as Common Sense. But while you're under his tutelage, you have to pay a fee. He demands from you total self-honesty. Don't pretend you are what you're not and stop making exuses for your own shortcomings. If you can conform to those demands, that guru can teach you invaluable lessons.

You are not what you think now. You are what you have thought. A fruit takes time to ripen. Do you wish to pluck a sweet, juicy fruit tomorrow? Watch what kind of seed you plant in the soil of your mind today.

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