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Thursday, October 27, 2011


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It's all right to reminisce and recall what has come and gone. We all do it once in a while. Some of our yesterdays are so beautiful we want to live them again in retrospect. Sometimes it's even imperative that we dig into the past. It may contain lessons that teach us not to repeat the mistakes we once made.

But there's always a danger of overdoing it when we look back the way we have come. We are standing on the bridge of life. The past is like water that has flowed under that bridge and made its way to the sea, never to return. All the sighing in the world won't make the stream reverse its flow. It's something we have to remind ourselves of when we over-indulge in nostalgia.

We have to concern ourselves with the here and now. The past has had its day and has faded into the sunset. The future is the dawn that has yet to come. No mortal is assured he will witness another sunrise. The present is all we have. It's the only tangible thing within our grasp, our sole reality. We should seize the moment and not waste it, for it too will soon be relegated to the realm of the past.

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